Don't you just love Hollywood! I sure did until I actually tried to visit. It turns out all of the cool stuff you associate with Hollywood is in a different city altogether. Burbank and other places you have barely heard of seem to be where the movie and TV people work.
Still the name Hollywood has strong appeal with us. So much appeal that someone bottled up some juice and sells it to us at $25 per bottle. That juice would have been a major flop except they called it "The Hollywood Diet" and have sold tons of it. It is a brilliant marketing plan.
People all over have tried to analyze what the hollywood diet is made up of. The crack team of scientists here at FadDiet.com actually went to the store and read the ingredients list on the side of the bottle. Here is what the hollywood diet juice contains:
pineapple juice
orange juice
apple juice
prune juice
white grape juice
lemon juices juice
extracts of bilberry
green tea extract
ginkgo biloba
grapeseed extract
along with a few preservatives and stabilizers.
Pretty simple. I bet you could make your own version. You could certainly put together the same ingredients for less money.
The instructions are very simple. Four times a day, you drink the juice and some water. You eat nothing else. It isn't surprising that you would lose weight. According to the package label, you are only ingesting 400 calories per day.
How To Make Your Own Hollywood Diet Juice
Woman's World Magazine created their own Hollywood Diet that people can make. It is much less expensive than the actual Hollywood diet. You might want to try it. The following is the recipe for two days, so you only get to drink half of it per day.
1C. Low-fat vanilla soy milk
1C. orange juice
1C. cranberry juice
1C. yogurt (the real stuff)
1/4tsp. wheat-germ oil or 2T. wheat germ
1/4 tsp. flaxseed oil
Put in blender and sip throughout the day, along with plenty of water for 2 days. Seems like you would be pretty hungry.
Here is another Homemade Hollywood Diet Juice version
Some people call the Homemade Hollywood Diet. Again, this is a two day supply. You can split it in half and make half each day.
Juice of 8 oranges
Juice of 4 lemons
4 Tbls. honey
2 bananas, peeled and sliced
2 apples peeled and sliced
2 cups of grape juice (can be store bought)
You can expect to lose 3-4 pounds on this type of fast.